Tuesday, July 31, 2012

I get it!

Today I went up to DISC to put myself through another hour of track torture.  To my complete and utter surprise, I managed a 30 lap warm up and felt good.  I floated up to the blue line and was comfortable to stay there. 

There were others on the track and they didn't freak me out. 

I think I'm finally getting a taste of why people love track.  I had some good happy hormones by the end and was pretty pleased with myself.

You know what I thought of for the rest of the day though?   Running.  Running with Fi.  Pumping out 15km and not even thinking about it. 

I miss it.

Tuesday, July 24, 2012

Still around, still training

Hi!  Remember me?

I thought it was time to update here.   I'm back training well but still haven't returned to work full time.

I rediscovered a love for crossfit recently and will have to work out how I can include this in my training schedule somewhere.

I've started doing rollers at http://jarasport.com.au/ which given how hard it is will surely improve my cycling.

The biggest news is that I've started training here....

without a doubt, the scariest thing I've done in my life.

Can't stop. Won't stop.

See you out training somewhere.  Ride safe. x