Wednesday, August 31, 2011


featured today. With plenty of chocolate on the side.

blerk.  I feel sick.

Tuesday, August 30, 2011

walkie talkie

My run at the Tan lasted about 1/2 lap this morning. I was feeling great and running fast, so why did I stop you ask?

Because I ran past a very rugged up Fi and decided to spend the hour walking and talking with her.  We haven't run together for such a long time and we have so much to catch up on.  We barely touched the surface today but we did set ourselves some training goals for when we're both back on the running track for real in a couple of weeks.

PM Jeff at the gym

45 secs on each hand
all rest was either 45 secs snatch each hand for the first half of the workout and then 45 secs of cleans each hand
for a total of 52 rounds
round body twist
single leg deadlift

until the 52 rounds were up. 

Monday, August 29, 2011

off air

My laptop's been in the shop for a few days so I haven't been able to post.

Made it down to Mordi and back with the bunch!  Yeee Haaa!  I was so excited.  I should mention that the bunch rode back slower than usual so they could practise rolling turns.  They clapped for me when we got back to St Kilda because I was so excited to still be there with them.

It was confidence boosting even though I know I'll get dropped again next week.

I walked for 2 1/2 hours today to get home after a massage.  My back was so tight that Bec didn't get time to work on my legs as well. 
We started doing a kb workout in the backyard but I was concerned about Helen's technique.  I knew she was moving unsafely but I couldn't work out how to correct it. 
We took the tyre and rope down to the car park and spent the hour on rope shenanigans and tyre runs.

I ran for 6.5kms this morning around Princes Park, I held a pretty good pace and felt good.

I feel like I'm finally on the way back.  It's a good feeling.  I like it.

Friday, August 26, 2011

Run CL Run!

I went for a run this morning!  It felt great!  I could run fast!  Fi was not with me.  She will be soon, but not too soon.

Run 1/2 hour
walk 40mins
bike 30 mins

Thursday, August 25, 2011


of a different kind was required today.   I sat in one meeting from 8am - 5pm.  That's one long day.

I tried to do a workout this arvo but with no Helen or Gavin, I was pretty useless.

500 skips
20kg kbell
20 OA swings es
30 swings


I felt a bit yuk after sitting for so long so I jumped on the trainer for an hour and did power intervals, stomps and max efforts.  Hard work but I feel better now.

Wednesday, August 24, 2011


On the trainer this morning.  The dvd I was using wasn't as good as the Carmichael training systems so I ordered some of them.

15 min warm up with 2 1:00 efforts
10 min E3 (which felt like an eternity)
5 min cool down

the end

Tuesday, August 23, 2011

Running legs

Last night it was a lovely pre Spring evening and there seemed to be hundreds of people running around Princes Park.  I felt a little wistful, so I canned my planned ride this morning and went for a run.


Cycling and running are so different, my fitness in one does not translate to the other.  I knew I wasn't using my hamstrings too much on the bike and golly gee they felt it this morning. 

I ran two laps of the Tan, I enjoyed it, my legs hurt.

PM  Gym, no Jeff

16 kg kbell

12 of each (each hand), 3 times through

clean and squat
one arm high pull
jack knife
russian sit up (half turkish get up)
russian twist

5 windmills each side to finish

Monday, August 22, 2011

no bikes tonight

said Jen this morning.  I agreed with her.

CX tires my legs out.  I took it relatively easy at the pool this morning and spent some time swimming instead of running which was a nice change.

warm up 25m x 2
25m x 4 for time
straight legs 25m x 2
high knees 15 secs with rest x 6
tabata sprint one round
run high hands reach 25m x 2
swim 10 mins
underwater dive 25m

Sunday, August 21, 2011

Race 3 Dirty Deeds CX

Finally - I found my sweet spot with CX!  I was so chilled today, I was yawning before the race.  My strategy was to just go easy on myself and have fun after how crook I felt yesterday.

I rode the course once during warm up and noted that it was going to be tough going on most of the infield and 2 of the hills were unridable on my SS.  I could however smash it up Pavlich's hill, so that was confidence building.

We took off and it took me about 20 secs to realise this course was perfect for me?  The muddy infield was unridable for almost everybody and guess what?  I can run good!   I could smash the hill as I suspected and thanks to Jen, I'm confident to stay off the brakes on the downhill.  My legs were strong enough to make it up the steep stairs ok and the mud pit where I stacked last year was no problem.

I gritted my teeth and passed people running up the two hills over the back of the velodrome and could hold my own riding around the river.

I still need to sharpen up my dismounts and flying mounts because I lose alot of time on both of them.

I have no idea where I placed but I think I was mid pack somewhere.  The results on the website are likely to be wrong because everything got a bit mixed up but I'm happy with how I rode today.

I didn't want to stop and if A Grade hadn't been a full field I would have gone around again. 

Good course for a SS, good course for strong legs, good course for a runner.

What a shame it's all over for another year.

Saturday, August 20, 2011


I decided to give the Shop ride a miss today.  My legs were pretty tired after a big week and I wanted to save a little something for CX, luckily I think I made the right decision.   I wasn't happy to realise that I'd bailed on Gavin though.  I'll make it up to him another time.

I did almost 4 laps of Albert Park (sprinting pit lane) before Heather flatted.  She didn't have any kit with her so we tried to use my spare tube which didn't fit her flash tyres.   After 2 patches failed to fix it we ran out of gas in my cannister so H called her husband to come and pick her up.  I decided to keep riding as it was a gorgeous day and I was having fun.

I did another lap and a half of Albert Park and then headed to Rush for breakfast as I knew I'd well and truly missed the girls.

Leaving Rush the weather had got even better so I rode down to GE intending to head to the Boulevard and take the Chandler Hwy exit home.

I made it to Walmer St without any problems but heading up it I started to feel really off.   I took a rest break half way up and got the shakes.  I slammed a gel and kept going. 

Down the hill was ok and I passed the Gipps St bridge thinking I'd come good.  As soon as I started up the next hill though I was cactus.   I turned around and took the exit and made my way home. 

I called into Small Block for my second milkshake of the day.   I hope I've eaten enough today to recover the energy stores for crazy cross tomorrow.  I think I'll know within a minute of the race starting....

Dist 50km

Friday, August 19, 2011


walking around town and not much else.

Thursday, August 18, 2011

Tree ups

Crit Trainer Session

10 min warm up with 2 x 1:00 efforts
7 x 2 min power interval 1 min recovery between each
5 min recovery
3 x 2 min Steady, Power interval 30 secs on 30 secs off
5 min recovery
5 x 1 min Power interval
8 min cool down

I thought that was going to be too much recovery but I was wrong.  Those intervals came around so quickly and I was really hurting by the end.

I could say that I had a meeting at work that meant I couldn't go ride the Boulevard with JPBSECT, but really I was just too scared.  I need to go riding with them next week otherwise I'll psyche myself out for good. 

PM Backyard

300 skips
15 deck squats
30 box jump
300 skips
15 deck squats
300 skips
16kg kb x 2 box step ups
10 es x 3
16kg kb box step downs (heel touch)
5 es x 3
box side step heel touch downs
3 x 5
pull ups in the tree
2 x 5
side twists 16kg kbell
2 x 10es

Chin ups in the tree were very good fun!

Wednesday, August 17, 2011

Tuesday, August 16, 2011


So, for the second time this week I'll be sleeping in my skins tonight.  My legs were pretty sore after the sprint workout last night and then Jeff had to go and put the icing on the cake.

16kg kbell

circuit of hell (squat, reverse lunge, jump lunge, jump squat)

OA swings
20 es x 3 no rest

20 es x 3 no rest

10 es x 4 no rest

25 es x 2 no rest

I say no rest but there was a bit of putting the kb down going on.

Monday, August 15, 2011

New start

First time I've had my first day in a new job in 6 years!!! Was I nervous? Yeah, I was.  Did I have a good day.

Yes, I did!

AM at the pool

Beautiful, bright pink sunrise this morning.  We were feeling a bit bored with the usual routine so we mixed it up a bit for a change.

warm up 25m x 2
sprint 25m x 4 (for time)
straight legs 25m x 2 (for time)
high knees 15secs, 5 secs rest x 6
tabata sprints
swim sprint + run 25m x 2
resistance rope run x 8
soccer ball hot potato 5 mins
high hands run, reach each 8 steps 25m x 2
cool down

No hypoxic work today because I didn't want to be shattered at work.

PM on the trainer

Chris Carmichael sprint workout

10:00 warm up ( 2 x 60sec max)
Stomps   3 x :12
5 min E2
Power starts 3 x :12
5 min E2
Agility sprint seated 2 x :20
4 min E2
Agility sprint out of the saddle 2 x :12
4 min E2
Race sprint 60-20-10 x 2
8:00 cool down

There may have been a little vom in the back of my throat after the second lot of agility sprints.

Sunday, August 14, 2011


Golly goodness, my legs are tired out today.

I went for a run this morning but only lasted 5kms.   I was just plain worn out, my legs weren't really hurting at that stage but I just didn't have any gas in the tank.


tyre bags in the car park

By now, my legs were sore.  Really sore.   I did 500 skips and could only string 20 together at a time.  I then tried for lunges, but dropped the bag after one return trip. 

Board jumps x 2
jump lunges x 2
dragon lunges x 2
side lunges ow, ow, owwwwww
try again with the side lunges
Nope, "get lost" said my legs. 
backwards lunges x 2
side lunges, surely my adductors will have warmed up by now
"I said GET LOST" said my legs
ok, said me, you win

side twists 2 x 50
mountain climbers 2 x 50


Saturday, August 13, 2011

Stay with the pack


I stayed with the bunch all the way down to Mordi this morning.   I got dropped at about Beaumaris but worked hard all the way back to town. 

We got split by lights at Brighton but Troy was with me this week and he pushed me back to the pack, we were going sooooo fast, it was so much fun!  Once I got back on, he made me got to the middle of the bunch and then Simon came and gave me some lessons to keep me on the wheel in front. 

It sure is alot easier in the middle of the bunch.  I've got nothing on the hills though and that's where I got dropped on the way back into town.

I had so much more fun than last week and I'm going to keep going until I feel more comfortable.

Dist 85km

Friday, August 12, 2011

Cadel Day

Cadel Evans was in town today to ride to Fed Square from St Kilda.  I headed down on the road bike to join in the fun.

There were so many people that I only got to see the very top of his helmet as he went past.  I rode back to the bike shop after that and watched the rest on TV with Jen.

I'm going to give Beach Rd another go tomorrow.  I hope I do better than last week, it's both frustrating and humbling to be so bad at something.

If at first you don't succeed.........

Thursday, August 11, 2011

Pool and Ignite

Wed 10.8
Was at the pool by myself this morning.  water was great.

25 m run x 4
tabata 8 x 4
run high hands 25m x 2
high knees 15 secs on 5 secs rest x 8
resistance band run x 6
straight legs 25m x 2
swim 200m

Thurs 11.8

Up at Lancefield for the last Ignite session.  Went for a couple of k's run.

Tuesday, August 9, 2011

Walsh St fourpeat and Pain

I haven't run Walsh St in so long, and it really hasn't got any easier.   I managed to get out 4 loops of running up Walsh and then around to and down Anderson.  I used to be able to do that 5 times without a break, but I was just happy to get the 4 out today even with rest.

It was nice to see Justin hooking past on his way to work as well.  He did well to spot me around the corner.

PM Jeff @ the gym

My friend Ben came back tonight so of course Jeff turned up the temp.  I'm tired out now and will need to give the pool a rest in the morning.

16kg kb
round body pass 50 ew
push up prone brace at least 2 mins prob closer to 3-4 for all rest
50 1a swings each hand
prone brace
50 cleans each hand
v sit
50 jerks each hand, swap on 25
push up prone brace down to elbows and back a few times
50 lunges each leg
prone brace to push up
50 deadlifts each leg
v sit

Monday, August 8, 2011

Bye bye

I had a lovely farewell lunch at Mo Vida today.

I walked to and from work but otherwise did nothing but eat delicious food.

Sunday, August 7, 2011

good hard look at myself

Went for a run this morning, in Bendigo.  It was my 20 year reunion last night and there's alot to be said for a healthy lifestyle!  I was very happy to see that my nerdy friends are all starring at life and careers.

My run was hard, my legs are tired out from the Beach Rd ride yesterday.  I ran for about 50mins but I took a few walking breaks too.


skip 500
run up and back the carpark with the tyre x 10 return
rope shenanigans 12 mins
sandbag shoulder walk to milkbar and back
16kg kb farmer walk milkbar and back
24kg kb farmer walk end to end carpark
24kg kb renegade row x 5
carpark forward and backward lunge

Saturday, August 6, 2011

Rush ride

First time down Beach Rd in a bunch today and I knew it was going to be hard work.

I knew I was going to get dropped as well, it was just a matter of when.  I'm finding it quite disappointing that I can't accelerate off the lights very well, my running muscles are just not helping much on the bike and it's so hard to get back to the bunch once I'm off the back.

The group got split at the lights at Glenhuntly Rd and I never got back on.  One girl waited for me and we rode down to Mordi and back together. 

It was hard work for me, she was cruising but I was working the whole way down and back.  Once we were back in the city, I rolled by the cafe where the girls were but they'd already gone.  By the time I got back to the bike shop I'd ridden just under 80kms.

Not bad for my first to keep working on skills.

Friday, August 5, 2011

last day

Today was my last day in this job.  I hope my next one can make me laugh until I cry.


Thursday, August 4, 2011


Oh my golly goodness, the bunch that I rode with this morning were fast.  I should have been warned by the cannonball run through the city to get to Albert Park.  They could accelerate like nothing, I've got some work to do.

At Albert Park, they headed off for 5 laps, sprinting from the pool around to the street where Junction Oval is then a steady pace back to the pool.

I was redlining during the steady pace, I couldn't hang on to the back of the bunch on the sprint and then worked hard to get back on. The second time around, once I was off the back, I couldn't get back.  Kath dropped off the back and we worked together around, well, really, I hung onto the back of her wheel into the wind and she dragged me around.  I'll repay that favour one day.

I need to work on cornering, accelerating and hurting. 

PM  Backyard Blitz

2 x 20 deck squats
5 min skip

30 box jumps x 3
20kg kb step up 5 es
16kg kb step up 5 es
20kg kb step up 5 es
16kg kb step down 5 es x 3

run around the block, sprint to finish.

I was so tired today I had to come home to have a nanna nap before training.

Wednesday, August 3, 2011

super magneto

I bought myself a trainer the other day and today was the first time I used it.  I was a bit scared that I'd set it up wrong and would ride off into my glass cabinet but it was all ok.

I did 20 mins of speed intervals and then went outside for 5 mins of skipping. 

Tomorrow morning I'm riding with a new bunch that Steve has hooked me up with, hope it goes ok.  I'm sure I'll get dropped but that's ok.

Tuesday, August 2, 2011

up for it


Pyramid down at Fawkner Park.  Nice morning again, no real chill in the air.  I'm pretty happy with how I held up this morning, I didn't have really fast pace but I could push reasonably hard for as far as I needed to.  Love a pyramid, they hurt but you can play mindgames with yourself to keep going.

total dist about 5km
200m  sprint distances are approx

I had a corporate lunch today at Merchant at the Rialto.  I won't be going there and paying for myself so I decided to make the most of it and drank some lovely wine.  Not the best prep for a KB session.  I did the first run through with the 16kg but wasn't lifting very well, so I dropped to the 12 for the second round.

2 x 1:30 es
round body pass
1A swing
one leg deadlift

Monday, August 1, 2011

spring in his step

It was a gorgeous morning this morning.  The outdoor pool was lovely, the sunrise was beautiful and I could hear birds all over the place.

Our friendly lifeguard was so excited about the warmer weather that I caught him having a little skip along the pool deck.  We like the lifeguard, he keeps a very close eye on us during the hypoxic work and he laughs at the games we play.

run warm up 25m
timed run 25m x 4
high knees 15 secs on 5 secs rest x 8
high knees 15 secs x 6
straight legs 25m x 2
soccer ball passes 5 x 4 mins 2 mins rest
soccer ball high passes 5 mins
run arms high reaching with alternate arms 25m x 2
soccer ball side swim reach 25m x 2
underwater dive 25m x 2

good work out.