It was hard to get out of bed this morning. I was a little tired.
I missed the meeting time, so headed down to the Boulie. I rode one lap as hard as I could, and noticed I overtook a lot more people than usual. Time to start saving for a bike computer so I can tell if I'm actually getting better or whether I'm dreaming.
I had time for a couple of postmans but my knee was so sore riding home last night that I thought I'd back off a bit today.
I rode a very pleasant 'lazy loop' with G into town rather than ITT the flat boulevard.
I really struggled with the fast this morning. Felt quite woozy all morning and ended up eating 1/2 hour early as I was feeling so crook. I ended up eating so much that I felt too full all afternoon and missed meal 2.
Legs in the arvo
100 skips
3 x 30 bodyweight squats
16kg kbell
3 x 10 each leg dragon lunge
2x 16kg kbell
box step ups 3 x 5 each leg
step up to lunge 3 x 5 each leg
bulgarian split lunge 3 x 5 each leg
kbell sit up 3 x 10
kbell leg extensions 3 x 10
single leg extensions 3 x 10
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