Sunday, October 2, 2011

Weekend fun

Saturday Oct 1

Finally, finally I was well enough to go for a run with Fi.  We nearly headed to the pool because I wasn't keen on running in the rain but after a rudie nudie change in the car because the weather was fine I was good to go.

We started from Swan St and headed along the flat boulevard to Walmer and then back, I lasted 50 minutes and I was so sore afterwards that I spent the day in Skins.

It was so lovely to be running with Fi again, we had alot of life to catch up on.  Lucky Fi had a lot to talk about because just running and listening was more than enough effort for me.

I'm happy with the distance, I've got no idea of pace because we both went Garminless.

Sunday Oct 2

Daylight savings started last night so after a bit of a sleep in I woke to a beautifully sunny spring day.  Hmmm, trail running or a ride on the Boulevard?  I decided to get on the bike as I'd already run this weekend.
I didn't do a mega ride, my heartrate was super high and I was at threshold for the entire time.  I rode for an hour in beautiful sunshine and when I'd been swooped 3 times was happy to turn for home.

I was all alone for training in the backyard, and again in the interests of sensibleness eased myself back for my first strenght session in weeks.

500 skips
100 bodyweight lunges
100 bw dragon lunges
100 bw squats
30 pushups

I'll see how I pull up tomorrow.

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