Thursday, April 14, 2011

Back to it


Was hoping to get a 10k run in this morning but made do with 7.5km.

Started from the Thursday meeting point, around to Fed Square and then instead of heading back I did the Swan, Church St loop in reverse.  It didn't quite get me the distance I wanted but was a very pleasant run.

No Jeff's tonight, he's got an open.  I was considering getting another run in but spent the evening on interview prep instead with the soon to be firey.

1 comment:

  1. Oh yeah and your hardcore, I mean really HARDCORE, sister finally got back to Step today. She has no time for anything anymore and her hip is going skitzer with all the stairs at Uni. Well not sure if its all the stairs at Uni or not being able to go to gym like i used too.
    BUT I DO LOVE YOU! xxoo
