Tuesday, March 15, 2011

Motivation schmotivation


I'm a little concerned about my mindset at the moment.  Not sure if my lack of motivation is down to basic overtraining or apprehension (read scared out of my wits) about how much this next marathon is going to hurt.

I haven't really spoken much about how I felt after NY but I think I really need to face up to my fears if I'm going to be able to hit the time goal I've set for GC.

Let's just get it out there.....IT'S GOING TO HURT.  and once more for the cheap seats...IT'S REALLY GOING TO HURT.

Ok, so enough of the funny business.  Enough eating badly, that's just stupid self sabotage, if this really is the last time I run this distance then run with JOY (and my friends). Appreciate the fact that my legs work, forget about the hurt, that will take care of itself if I take care of myself during the training cycle.

10 x 400m at 5k pace, 200m recovery
total dist 8.5km

Legs were very heavy and tired today.  Rest day tomorrow.